Kurt Wagemann


Prof. Dr. Kurt Wagemann

DECHEMA (Deutsche Gesellschaft für chemisches Apparatewesen), Frankfurt am Main, Germany
3 March 2022, Thursday, 17:45 - 19:00 CET

Prof. Dr. Kurt Wagemann studied chemistry in Munich and received his PhD in 1989 at the Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics. Since 1989 he headed some of the large departments at the DECHEMA, e.g. for congresses as well as for research management and administration. Beside this, he held the position of the executive director of ProcessNet (a joint venture of DECHEMA and VDI – The Association of German Engineers) in Frankfurt. In 2010, he took over the position of DECHEMA’s executive director. Mid of 2021 he retired as director but is still responsible as coordinator for projects related to the Energiewende and the hydrogen economy. He regularly operates as an expert for the evaluation of research institutions and is currently chairman of the life science jury for the EXIST programme of the BMWi (Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy). He serves as a member of advisory boards of research institutes and networks e.g. as head of the Kuratorium of the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems in Magdeburg. In February 2011 he was appointed honorary professor at the University of Stuttgart, where he fulfils a teaching assignment on “Technical Chemistry and Technical Biochemistry – Biorefineries” since 2006; since 2022 on “Climate Neutral Chemicals Production Technologies”. Furthermore, since 2010, he gives lectures at the University of Magdeburg in the field of “Chemical Processes - Renewable Raw Materials”.

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